Emergency Dental Care for Children: A Parent's Quick Reference


Any kind of medical emergency is scary and when it involves your kids, things do take a turn for the worse. If your child is experiencing issues with their teeth and oral health, chances are that you have to be vigilant of the symptoms.

If the situation keeps getting out of hand, consulting an emergency dentist Winnipeg is always the safest option. But, besides consulting a dentist, how do you handle the situation calmly to ensure comfort and safety for your child?

In this guide, we have broken down some of the common dental emergencies surrounding kids and how you can handle the situation as a parent.


Kids don’t deal with pain in the best way, so chances are that if your child is experiencing toothache, they will be pretty vocal about the situation. In most cases, the first line of treatment is to rinse and clean the mouth with some warm water to ensure that there is no food debris.

However, if the pain persists and keeps getting worse, these kinds of situations warrant an emergency visit to your pediatric dentist’s office.


Broken or chipped tooth

When it comes to kids, they lack coordination, so they are bound to play and fall and a broken or chipped tooth is probably a lot more common than you think. If your child comes home crying about a chipped tooth, the first thing you need to do is rinse their mouth and then look for the broken fragments to see if you can find any.

If the situation leads to swelling and pain, using a cold compress is a great way to numb the pain and also bring the swelling down. 

Cut or bitten tongue or lip

Situations when your child comes back home with a busted lip are common, especially when they are playing and accidentally hurt themselves in the process. The first thing you have to do as a parent is calm them down and then rinse the bruised and cut area with some antiseptic.

For the swelling, apply a cold compress and directly contact your child’s dentist for further advice on the pain relievers they can take.

Broken braces or wire

If your child has braces and the wire has come off loose or broke, it can cut the inside of the cheeks and contribute to a lot of pain for the child. the best way to overcome the situation is by using a cotton ball or orthodontic wax to cover the sharp end.

This can bring them temporary relief until you can secure an appointment with their orthodontist to get the braces checked and rewired later.

Final Words

Dental emergencies with kids can be a little complicated to handle, especially if your child is in pain and is hysterical. As a parent, the first thing you need to do is remain calm and try and figure out the best way to handle the situation. We have shared some effective tips that should help you as well.


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