Lightforce Braces Vs Invisalign


Orthodontic treatments are evolving due to technological development, and they have come a long way in recent years. Dental care procedures like Lightforce Braces Vancouver and Invisalign are two of the popular orthodontic treatment solutions.

These treatments are given to people suffering from crooked or misaligned teeth. Despite serving the same purpose, both solutions are very different from each other.

When choosing between Lightforce braces and Invisalign, some might ask “Which is better?” To make the right decision, one needs to first familiarise themselves with these treatment solutions. That’s what this post is all about!

Understanding Lightforce Braces

Lightforce braces revolutionize the orthodontic experience by focusing on tailor-made solutions for each individual. This procedure starts with cutting-edge digital scans and capturing a 3D model of your teeth. These digital impressions are needed for crafting custom brackets through 3D printing technology.

What sets Lightforce braces apart is their application of transparent ceramic that seamlessly blends with the natural color of the teeth. It enhances the aesthetics and provides a more discreet appearance.

The combination of digital treatment planning and tailor-made braces allows orthodontists to make necessary adjustments for successfully aligning the teeth. This precision enhances comfort and gives accurate results.

Lightforce braces emerge as an excellent choice for individuals seeking a personalized, and aesthetically pleasing orthodontic treatment. But before deciding to get Lightforce braces, consulting an orthodontist is a must.


Understanding Invisalign

Invisalign stands out as a dental treatment care that is centered on a series of clear, custom-made aligners. These aligners gradually guide your teeth into the desired position.

This procedure starts with a 3D digital scan of the teeth which is similar to the process used for Lightforce braces. Orthodontists use these scans as a guide to make transparent plastic aligners. Each aligner is intricately designed and necessary adjustments are made based on the position of your teeth.

A standout feature of Invisalign is its nearly invisible appearance. The clear aligners are almost invisible, making it a discreet treatment process. Another good thing about Invisalign is that they are removable. This makes it easier to maintain oral hygiene, allowing you to floss and brush without any fixed braces.

Invisalign is a versatile treatment solution, but it may not be good for more complex cases. Therefore, you should consult an orthodontist before getting it done.

What Is The Difference Between Lightforce Braces And Invisalign?

Let’s break down the main differences between the two orthodontic treatment solutions.

Lightforce braces are made of transparent ceramic which blends with the natural colour of teeth. It is a highly adaptable treatment plan with precise adjustments possible. It uses custom-made brackets to ensure a precise fit and increased comfort. Unlike Invisalign, these braces are not removable.

Invisalign are clear, virtually invisible plastic aligners. They are extremely discreet which makes them a popular choice among young people. It is designed to make subtle adjustments to the position of teeth gradually. Plus, it is removable.

Final Words

Choosing between Lightforce braces and Invisalign depends on various factors. Before making a decision, it is essential to consult with an orthodontist. They can help you choose the best orthodontic plan for yourself.


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